Editorial Singapore

5 Great Reasons to Learn Surfing

Surfing is a pretty popular pastime in many countries. Singapore, though, doesn’t get big enough waves to surf on at all. The closest you can get to trying it out and learning is at Wave House at Sentosa where surfing waves are artificially created. Even so, there are many great reasons to try it out! Here are only some of them.

Surfing promotes physical fitness and health

If you think about it, surfers—aside from their actual ability to surf—are widely known for their fit bodies. For one, surfing is an aerobic activity where you can exercise your lungs and heart since you’ll be swimming as well. It also involves the use of your arms for paddling and the core and leg muscles for balance. It’s a great exercise for the body!

A time to be one with nature

Surfing is as natural as a sport can get. It’s an activity you do out in the open, out in nature. Surfing will give you a better perspective on nature and the environment. Though riding big waves out on the ocean can be fun things to do, many individuals consider their time surfing as a way to reconnect with nature. When you sit on your board watching the sunset on the horizon and feeling the water and breeze on your skin, it’s quite an enlightening experience.

You’ll have more reasons to travel

Sure, you can learn the basics at Wave House but at some point, you’ll actually want to try surfing in the open ocean. Though you can’t exactly do it in Singapore, there are many countries nearby that have good surfing spots! So now, you have another thing to add to your travel list. You might even meet other people who are willing to let you hop on their surfing adventures!

It’s a great way to relieve stress

Surfing can be very therapeutic. Traveling in itself can already be therapeutic. But when you’re out there it in the ocean just sitting on your board and waiting for a wave, you can live in that moment and forget about your problems and worries even just for a while. Plus, when you have to pay attention to your balance, you’ll barely have time to think about anything else!

It’s fun!

Once you start learning how to surf, you’ll have a hard time getting out of the water. Gaining balance and slowly getting used to the board can feel like your first time riding a bike as a child. It brings out the kid in you! When you get your balance right consistently as you stand on the board, that’s where all the fun begins. You can ride as many waves as you want already!

What are the Essential Vitamins and Minerals?

Understanding how the 27 vitamins and minerals are used in the body is essential when you want to change your diet. Knowing what you need instead of just a list of food or a diet plan is better because you will know how the micronutrients affect your body.

Vitamin A – Deficiency can lead to blindness or night blindness. Vitamin A is important for growing children and expectant mothers.

Vitamin B6 – It is essential in the formation of hemoglobin by storing protein and carbohydrates and using iodine.

Vitamin B12 – It helps get the energy from food, make healthy red blood cells, and maintains a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin C – It helps make collagen and is considered an antioxidant. Deficiency can lead to scurvy.

Vitamin D – It helps regulate the calcium and phosphate levels in the body. Deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, rickets, and body pain.

Vitamin E – It serves an as antioxidant that maintains healthy skin, eyes, and immune system.

Vitamin K – Deficiency can make wound healing slow and difficult, because not only does it keeps bones healthy but it’s important for blood-clotting.

Biotin – It is used for fat metabolism.

Calcium – It’s the important component for bones and teeth. Deficiency can cause poor mobility, brittle bones, and degeneration.

Choline – This is needed in muscle control and memory because it is used for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.

Chromium – It affects both the energy we get from food and the insulin levels in the body.

Copper – It is essential in the release of iron during hemoglobin-formation. It’s also important in white blood cell production.

Folate – It helps in the formation of red blood cells. In pregnant women, folate is necessary for the infant’s nervous system development.

Iodine – Its most important function is during the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Iron – Its most important function is the creation of red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Magnesium – It is essential in converting food into energy, hormone production, and bone health.

Manganese – It’s important in activating body enzymes.

Molybdenum – It helps in activating enzymes for creating genetic material.

Niacin – It helps in getting the energy from the food as well as maintain healthy skin and nervous system.

Pantothenic Acid – Without pantothenic acid, you will always feel tired and stressed. It helps in several bodily functions especially in releasing the energy from food.

Phosphorus – Not only does it help release energy from food, it also helps maintain strong bones and teeth.

Potassium – It helps in maintaining healthy nerves and muscles, as well as keep the heart muscles healthy and balancing the body fluids.

Selenium – It’s an antioxidant that helps the immune system prevent damage to cells and tissues.

Sodium and Chloride – These are electrolytes that maintain the balance of body fluids. They even help the body digest the food we eat.

Thiamin – This is needed to convert carbohydrates to energy, as well as maintain proper nerve signal conduction and muscle contraction.

Riboflavin – It helps in releasing the energy from food and keeps the nervous system, skin, and eyes healthy.

Zinc – It helps in the processing of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as in keeping healthy cells, making enzymes, and healing wounds.

Ink Studios of Singapore

Although the majority of Singapore is still not accustomed to body modification, they are slowly accepting the fact that some people need to differentiate themselves from the others. Singapore is a home of many different types of people and this definitely does not exclude the artists.

Tattooing or Inking in Singapore is not as popular as in other places but this does not mean that the quality of artists in Singapore are below the artists from other countries. Singapore is slowly starting to accept the diversity of its residents and this also includes their approach to tattoos. Although Singapore is still slowly starting to adjust, progress has been made.

Here are some of the best tattoo studios in Singapore:

Familiar Strangers Tattoo Studio

The best part of this studio is the originality and the creativity of their artists as they invest a lot of time in creating a personalized piece of work just for you. Although creativity is widely sought after, sometimes we just can’t help but not appreciate the originality which is definitely okay with Familiar Strangers Tattoo Studio because they offer re-dos or basically cover ups if you are not totally satisfied with their work.

Body Decor Tattoo & Piercing

There is a legend about one of the greatest tattoo artist of the 1950s whose name was Johnny Two Thumbs and in this studio, the legend continues as one of his sons, Richard Tat, is still continuing his father’s legacy until today. Getting a tattoo from a legendary studio is something you would definitely boast about as you can take pride in getting inked at the Body Decor Tattoo & Piercing.

Imagine Tattoo Studio

If you are looking for that hyper-realistic tattoo or are a fan of realism, portraits, and even geometrical tattoos, the Imagine Tattoo Studio is the place for you! Being able to achieve a carbon copy of a certain image on your own skin is something you can achieve by getting a tattoo at the Imagine Tattoo Studio.

Exotic Tattoo Studio

The first and the best female tattoo artist in Singapore can be found in this studio and if you still cling to that saying that women are naturally more artistic than men, this might be the best place for you to get a tattoo. Although there is no direct relation between gender and skill when it comes to getting a tattoo, who wouldn’t want to brag about getting an amazing tattoo not just because it came from a woman but because the quality of the tattoo itself is amazing!

So now you know four places to get a tattoo in Singapore. The question is, which one would you pick?

Safe Workout Routines for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are advised to eat food that make them feel happy. As long as the mother doesn’t get overweight, she can eat more than the usual number of meals and almost any food. That doesn’t mean, however, that regular exercise should be ignored. Studies show that women who stay fit throughout their pregnancy have fewer complications and have easier labor and childbirth.

Walking Guide for Pregnancy

Walking is the safest exercise to try if you don’t have any experience at the gym prior to your pregnancy. However, if you loved hiking before you got pregnant, you can still stick to your minimum 15-minute walks thrice a week. Once your body is used to the schedule, you can increase the walking sessions gradually up to 30 minutes. Some women can go for a total of 150 minutes weekly (which is about 30 minutes 5 times a week). Don’t forget to talk to your doctor if you experience back or pelvic pain during your third trimester.

Simple Exercises at Home

You don’t need to go to the gym to rid your body of aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Try the following simple exercises:

  • To improve balance, place one hand on a sturdy chair and stand with your knees and toes pointed at 45-degree angles. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees to lower your torso, then straighten to return to your original position. Repeat.
  • To strengthen your arms and shoulders, sit with your back straight and hold an object that weighs at least 5 pounds in each hand. Keep your elbows bent at 90-degree angles, then lift the weights up to your shoulder. Lower your arms back to the starting position then repeat.
  • To strengthen your legs, lie on your side with your head supported on your forearm and one leg bent at a 45-degree angle. Support your body with the other free arm placed on the floor, then lift the other leg while keeping it straight to about hip’s height. Do the same with the other leg.

Gym Guide for Pregnant Women

If you have never been a regular in the gym prior to your pregnancy, you should consult your doctor about your plans to sign up for a membership. Some women can still keep up with their workout routines at the gym depending on their fitness level and experience. You will also need to consider which trimester you’re in and your overall feeling. You can sign up for prenatal classes if there are any because the workouts are designed primarily for expectant mothers.

The trainer usually recommends the following exercises for pregnant women: yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, stationary bike, treadmill, and elliptical training. Yoga focuses on breathing and movements, while Pilates can help you improve abdominal muscles. Water aerobics is usually recommended during the third trimester because it is safe and relaxing, just like moderate walking exercise on the treadmill. A stationary bike is also an option during the third trimester, but you can also try elliptical training if you’re experiencing joint and muscle pain.

Singapore Soul Food

One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to travel is “How is the food?” You probably already know about the history of Singapore but if you don’t, well, Singapore’s economic success comes from trade.

Way back in the age of exploration, Singapore used to be a place where the British, Chinese, Malaysians, and many other countries would conduct business and naturally, Singapore started to grow economically. The cultural influence of these many countries has affected the taste of Singaporeans. Because of trade, Singapore has picked up a very unique taste which involves western and south-east cuisines.

Most restaurants in Singapore actually serve dishes from all around the world and if you are looking for that specific Singaporean taste, the best thing to do is to go to the “hawkers”. These are establishments built like cafeterias and although the simplicity might fool you, these “hawkers” serve really good Singaporean dishes. One of the best dishes to try is the Hainanese Chicken Rice.

One magical thing about the Hainanese Chicken Rice is actually the rice itself. The rice is cooked in chicken broth and many other ingredients we do not want to spoil you with but they are what make the rice stand out with its distinct flavor.

The Hainanese Chicken Rice is just one of the dishes you have to try in Singapore as there are countless choices to pick from. Another good thing about the Hawkers is that they are very affordable, their dishes do not usually go beyond 15 Singaporean dollars.

One little-known fact about Singapore is that most of the influences when it comes to food comes from Hong Kong. The good thing about Singapore is the diverse mix of different cultures which definitely have something new to offer to the table. The quality of these diverse dishes are also exquisite as chefs from all over the world can be found in Singapore.

The quality of the food in Singapore is exquisite as everything in Singapore is exported and since they are involved in the trade industry, they make sure that the quality of the food that both go in and go out of the country are at top quality.

There isn’t much to worry about when it comes to buying ingredients as almost everything is available. Singapore is also a big fan of organic products which is really good should you want to pursue healthy living. Finding soul food in Singapore is easy as almost every dish is crafted with excellence.