Editorial Singapore

Be the Best Aunt to Your Little Nieces and Nephews

Winning over the hearts of little children is such a priceless achievement. This feat doesn’t even have to wait until you have your own kids. The best thing about an aunt is you still get to be single while enjoying the love and adoration of your nieces and nephews. It’s a great thing that family relationships are still essential here in Singapore. You don’t have to be Peter Pan or Tinker Bell to become your little nieces and nephews’ favorite playmate. You don’t have to wear Elsa or Princess Sofia’s costumes, either. You just have to follow a few practical steps to win the hearts of these adorable kids.


Play With Them As Much As You Can

The best part about being with children is you get to be a kid again. So relive your childhood by playing with your nieces and nephews whenever there’s an opportunity. The children’s world is limited to play time and their essential needs so this is the fastest way to their hearts. Find out what toys are your niece’s or nephew’s favorite. Find out how they talk to their toys or how they play with them and imitate them. Or how about teaching them a new game?

Talk to Them As If They’re Your Friend

Treat them as your friends if you want to be considered as their friend, too. The best way to do this is by talking to them as you would to other adults. Show them the same respect and importance as you give the adults. Share conversations with them no matter how trivial. Or how about telling them new stories they haven’t heard of before?


Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

One of the worst things an adult can do is to break promises. So don’t make promises as much as possible. Don’t break their little hearts by not sticking to your word. Promises are big stuff for these little kids. If you find yourself in a compromised situation, better avoid using words that guarantee and stick to words that offer possibilities such as “I may” or “I may not” as opposed to “I will” or “I won’t.”

Shower Them with Little Presents

Children love presents so shower them even with little gifts as much as you can. You don’t have to spend a lot just to give them gifts. You can give them gifts that you made yourself. Or how about a piece of their favorite chocolate or candy each time you visit?

Shower Them with Your Love and Affection

The best way to win your nieces’ and nephews’ love and affection is by showering them with your love and affection. You heard it when they say you get what you give. These kids are best at reciprocating so you can expect the same level of love given back at you or even more. Before you know it you’re already their favorite Aunt, friend, and playmate all rolled into one.


Practical Tips for Financial Freedom

With the high cost of living in Singapore and the long office hours Singaporeans put in, it’s only appropriate that they get to achieve financial freedom and the life that they’re working hard to build. Unfortunately, working hard alone cannot be the solution. Financial literacy, self-discipline, and having the right goals will pave the path. Below are some practical tips to achieve financial freedom and the comfortable life we all desire:


Zero out debts

Before working on lofty aims, be sure to check on yourself first that you have already taken cared of any payables that may be gaining interest. They may seem trivial for now but if you leave them unpaid over a long time, it may catch up on you and leave you burdened with debts.

Build your contingency fund

Compute your monthly expenses and save up at least 3 to 6 months worth of your monthly salary. This should act as your contingency fund. Store this money safely in your bank. Remind yourself that you can only withdraw from the fund during emergency scenarios like sicknesses, loss of job, or death in the family. Getting short on your budget for the week is not a valid emergency scenario.

Invest in stocks

Singapore has a healthy economy so take advantage of the opportunities. When you have enough funds you can set aside for future use, consider investing in the stock market. You can create long term goals such as building your dream house, education fund, or retirement fund. In 10 years time or more, the money you have invested in stocks would have already multiplied. Make your money work for you.


Build your asset portfolio

Aside from investing in stocks, you can also consider buying properties of land. Maybe you can put up a house and have it rented. Or maybe you can start some businesses. Keep investing in things that will earn you more money. Do not rely on just one source of income.

Live within your means

You will not be able to achieve anything if you don’t live within your means. So if you have a vision for yourself, practice discipline. Be practical and control your urges to splurge now. Know your goals and keep your focus.




Saving Energy during El Nino


It may be a result of the much talked about global warming but definitely it’s getting warmer in Singapore. The dreaded El Nino being experienced across Asia is causing undeniable havoc on economies. What’s at the root of this environmental phenomenon is the threat of the rise in electricity. If this is the case, there are plenty of things to do to save energy and not be a victim of soaring electric bills. Here are some practical ways to do so:


  1. Be Smart About Your Appliances. Unplug appliances that are not of use. You’d be surprised at the amount of money you can save simply by pulling the plug from that appliances you’re not using. What you thought is a resting appliance is actually wasting away energy when you don’t pull the plugs off.


  1. Make the right investments. Solar panels, LED bulbs, and the like may come off as expensive at first but they can help you save more in the long run. Imagine the savings you can get from simply relying on the power of the sun as compared to subscribing to paid electricity. Countries worldwide are challenged to turn green and developed countries like Singapore should take on the lead.


  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The simple act of reducing, reusing, and recycling can already contribute a lot to wise energy consumption and, on a bigger scale, to a green economy. What the world burns and buries away causing significant damage to Mother Nature comes mainly from private waste. Singaporeans know this well so it shouldn’t be difficult for us to take on the lead on this.


  1. Practice a Responsible Lifestyle. Being responsible means being aware and educated on the consequences of your actions. Support products and companies that help save energy consumption. Support movements that call out for a better way to provide energy.


Gynaecology 101: Your Daughter’s First Gynaecologist Appointment

As a mom, you knew that the day would come when you’d decide about the right time when your daughter will make her first gynaecologist visit. Since your daughter is growing up, you’d want her to have the best reproductive healthcare there is, but you know that she might feel anxious or embarrassed to get a regular check-up. To provide the best health care for your child, follow this step-by-step guide to help you determine when your daughter should visit a gynae, as well as the following tips to prepare her for the upcoming gynae appointment.


Right Time to Visit a Gynaecologist

Taking cues from your daughter is essential when it comes to thinking about the right time to consider gynaecology from Thomson Medical hospital in Singapore as they are one of the more well known hospitals for women. If your daughter is experiencing extreme discomfort with her periods or is starting to become sexually active, then it’s never too early to make an appointment.

If she’s fine with the changes her body is going through, then send your daughter to a clinic or hospital visit when she reaches 21 years old. But if she’s sexually active or has been complaining about menstrual cycle problems then she should be visiting a specialist sooner than the suggested age.

Preparations and Explanations

Once you’re done deciding on the right time to visit the gynae, the next step is to prepare your daughter for her upcoming visit and explain the importance of that appointment.

Education and Treatment

A Singapore gynaecologist is someone who can provide information about topics your daughter might be too anxious or embarrassed to ask you. By visiting the gynaecologist, she’ll be able to have a confidential source of accurate information, and learn about different treatments of some embarrassing problems. Most girls have their personal questions by their friends, and having a specialist to talk to, provides her with a more reliable outlet to voice out her concerns.

Mother’s Involvement

Talk with your daughter beforehand about how you’ll be involved in the appointment to make the day of the scheduled gynae visit smoother and less awkward. Depending on her age and level of maturity, you can both decide on what will work best for both of you:

• Does she want you to take her to the ob-gyn’s clinic?
• Does she want you to come to the examination room with her?
• Can the messages be left on your house phone for everyone to hear?


Ensure that your daughter is fully aware of the importance of being open and honest during the gynaecology appointment. Make her understand that the topics she discussed with the gynaecologist is confidential. Also, let her know that she can ask any question or voice out any concern that she has. Assure her that there is nothing the gynae hasn’t heard before and that the person is there to help her.

Medical History

Prepare your daughter to answer all the questions that the specialist might ask. She’ll likely feel uncomfortable talking about certain things for the first time, but knowing all the answers to the possible questions ahead of time will surely help her and her gynae throughout the appointment. Some of the questions that’ll likely be asked to your daughter are as follows:


• When did you have your last period?
• Are you sexually active?
• If so, have you been using birth control?
• Are you with multiple or one partner?
• Have you experienced problems with your period such as an unusual discharge or pain?
• Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?

Discuss the Appointment

Once you’re done explaining the importance of visiting the gynae, it’s now time to brief your daughter as to how the appointment might play out. Make her understand that there are various parts to complete an examination.

Essential Tests and Examinations

1. Physical Examination. The physical examination is simply a series of examination related with her blood pressure, height and weight. Other than that, the gynaecologist might also ask her for a urine sample. Explain to your daughter that this part of the examination will serve as a baseline for your future gynaecology visits.

2. Breast Examination. Although occurrences of breast cancer is rare among teens, undergoing a breast examination will teach your daughter how to perform a self-examination. This will help her learn how her breasts feel so she’ll know when something unusual grows in the future. The specialist will likely explain the significance of self-examination and what she’ll do if she ever feels a lump in her breasts.

3. External Examination. In this examination, inform your daughter that she’ll be asked to change into a hospital gown, place a sheet on her lap and lie back. During this time, the specialist will examine her vulva (external genitalia) and look for any possible problems like sores and swelling. While this can appear awkward, assure her that no instruments will be used during this period nor will she experience any kind of pain.

4. Internal Examination. If it’s your daughter’s first gynae visit, then it’s unlikely that she’ll undergo an internal exam. Still, the doctor will come up with that decision based on her medical history and the information she’ll get from your daughter. If the gynaecologist decides to proceed with an internal exam, inform your daughter that the doctor will use her hands and a speculum to view the walls of her cervix and vagina, but no pain should still be felt.

5. Pap Smear Test. Gynaecologists usually recommend taking a Pap smear test at the age of 21 or when a woman has already entered the maternity stage. During this exam, cells will be taken from your daughter’s cervix and will be sent to the lab to check for some unusual changes and cervical cancer cells. The specialist might even recommend having a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to keep your daughter from acquiring certain types of cancer.

6. STD Testing. This is one of the optional parts of the appointment, but if your daughter is sexually active then she should be tested. If STD testing will be recommended, your daughter will be tested using blood or urine samples, or by using a cotton swab like that of the Pap smear test. Once the testing is done, the gynae will likely talk with your daughter about how STDs can be transmitted.

Once her appointment is over, talk with your daughter about how she felt with the visit. If she felt that the staff made her feel uncomfortable, then do look for a new office and doctor for her next gynae visit. With this, you’ll be able to help your daughter attend her annual appointments to stay healthy.


How to Prevent Indigestion This Holiday Season


For many of us, the Christmas season is a time for excesses and indulgences, not least with regards to what we eat. Not surprisingly, cases of indigestion spikes up around this time. Avoid the discomforts of indigestion by following these five tips.


  1. Watch out for harmful compounds. Indigestion is hastened by sulfites, a type of preservatives commonly used in dried fruits and other processed foods, and aspartame, an artificial sweetener most often used in soft drinks and other carbonated drinks. Other commonly added food substances you should avoid are nitrites, nitrates, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).


  1. Drink more water than usual. If you eat more food during the holidays, it’s only reasonable to increase your water intake as well. Proper hydrations is necessary to maintain good bowel movement, plus it will also help prevent headaches from hangovers.


  1. Know your food triggers. Some people are more susceptible to indigestion caused by foods such as tomatoes, onions, milk, coffee, and chili. If you notice experiencing a feeling of bloating and tiredness every time you take any of these (or any other food triggers), make a note to avoid them in the future.


  1. Mind what you eat. The holidays is a busy time but with lots of food available. So not only are people less likely to pay attention to what they eat, the food most commonly available – alcohol, chocolates, and aged foods most notoriously – are not good for the digestive system. If possible, bring a healthy snack you can munch on anytime.


  1. Stock up on fiber. The more we eat, the more we need fiber to regulate our bowel movement and improve our metabolism. Fiber, especially from fruits, vegetables and whole grains, releases digestive enzymes that break down food before it ferments in the digestive tract.
